Jumat, 17 Agustus 2018

How you should consume foods

In addition to fruits other types of food that should be consumed after going through a process of maturation. Foods consumed should be in a mature state. The process of cooking food is also aimed at killing bacteria and germs of disease, so that after the expected cooked food in a healthy condition. With attention and researching all kinds of food that goes into your body, it is expected that good health of the essentials will be achieved.

consume foods

Fruits and vegetables is one of the healthiest foods in the world. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables can prevent you from various diseases. Some diseases are dangerous precisely caused due to lack of fruit and vegetable consumption. So for some some people choose a vegetarian menu in order to achieve maximum health.

However it does not mean you are free to consume fruits and vegetables lightly. In general foods such as fruits can be consumed in its raw state. Not so with vegetables, most of the vegetables should be consumed in a mature state (after going through the heating process). In this update admin will provide feedback that some foods should be consumed in a state ripe because toxic if consumed in its raw state.

Besides, it also must be remembered that these types of nuts cause various diseases after use in a considerable period of time. As we know that the type of nuts is a major cause "gout ( penyakit asam urat ). Well in our body has begun to accumulate nuts from since the age of the children and eventually began over load in old age, which is why gout began to arise in old age.

Some of the following foods should be consumed in a state of mature

Red beans: Vegetable kind of nuts, especially red beans in a state supposedly in eating undercooked or after a heating process (in cooking). In its raw state red beans contain toxic lectin which is a kind of natural toxins that can cause nausea nausea.

Fruit beans: Vegetables are a lot of consumption by most of Indonesian society. Many beans in its raw state contains many substances toxic amino acid commonly called cyanogenic glycosides.

Potatoes: Who does not know potatoes, vegetables that are rich in carbohydrates is sometimes made as a food substitute for rice by those who have diabetes. Raw potato in fact many contain compounds solanine especially young ones. Young potatoes characterized by the green color of the fruit skin. Compounds solanine poisoning is marked by vomiting vomiting, dizziness and sometimes stomach cramps, if not immediately treated, it can lead to acute diarrhea.

Chicken: Chicken Actually not included in the category of fruit and vegetables, but because the chicken is kind of the most abundant animals in consumption and a favorite food of Indonesian society, then there is no harm if it is discussed as well. Type a healthy animal consumption in the raw state only fresh fish, especially marine fish. Back to the chicken, that most of the raw meat contains a lot of bacteria, as well as chicken . And to make the dead bacteria contained in chicken meat, it must be in the heat of at least 165ยบ c.

However, that does not mean all natural foods such as animal and vegetable (growing plants) 100% healthy. Fruits and vegetables are planted in soil types that contain toxins / waste also does well in the consumption of toxic waste because most effects come sucked in by the roots of plants. Likewise, animals that eat garbage and of course meat will also be contaminated. Also read How to Diet to lose weight

Characteristics of Dengue Fever Symptoms

Dengue Fever or commonly abbreviated with Dengue fever is a disease caused by the dengue virus. Dengue virus is transmitted through the bite of Aedes mosquito or Aedes albopictus Aegipty the androgynous females. Usually mosquitoes with colored legs are white streaks biting its prey, a human during the day. Therefore if there are mosquitoes characterized like this must be alert.

dengue fever

There are 4 types of dengue virus; dengue type 1, dengue type 2, dengue type 3 and dengue type 4. The impact of dengue virus can cause disturbances in the capillary blood vessels and interfere with blood clotting system. This is what will lead to bleeding to death even in patients with DHF this.

The initial symptoms of dengue fever usually appear 3 to 15 days after the mosquito bite. Symptoms that commonly arise are high fever, pain in the head is quite disturbing, breakang pain in the eyes, joint pain, pain in the muscles and bones, mild rash to bleeding.

Symptoms of dengue fever usually lasts two to seven days. Although the fever had subsided, but should remain vigilant because the symptoms are so might reappear. In the second stage of this occurred in connection with the permeability who died in the capillaries.

In the second stage symptoms include: abdominal pain that is severe enough, the occurrence of problems in breathing and prolonged vomiting. In addition to the other symptoms that may occur are bleeding with signs as follows:

  • Easy bruising,
  • Bleeding on the gums,
  • Nosebleed,
  • Bleeding in the skin, and
  • It could be bleeding organs on the inside.

The bleeding can develop and be more serious and could be a trigger of the failure of the circulatory system that can lead to shock and even death. Therefore when there are symptoms mentioned occur then better go to the doctor immediately in order to further examination.

We recommend you read well to gejala penyakit demam berdarah

How to Diet to lose weight

Without rice diet program is an alternative diet program that should be considered and should be tried. Why? Because rice is a major source of carbohydrates consumed in Indonesia, probably including you. In contrast to the custom in the western part of the earth, the people of Indonesia must include rice in the diet weighed daily. Even Indonesia argues that it was not yet 'eat' when not eating rice, though already eat up a full stomach when it is without rice then it was not yet satisfied.

Carbohydrate is one of the nutrients that contain calories. Carbohydrate is the body needs to produce energy that can be used by the body to move. However, excessive consumption of carbohydrates gives unpleasant side effects. Excess carbohydrates will be converted into reserves stockpiled food aka fat on our bodies. As a result the weight we will grow. Read to How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally With Exercise

The main nutrients contained in the white rice is carbohydrates, water and little fiber. White rice is consumed will be quickly digested by the body so that these foods can raise blood sugar in a short time. The blood sugar will rise rapidly down anyway and blood sugar low on the body will trigger hunger. That's why white rice is less suitable for use as the primary food of patients diabetes. Also not suitable for the diet because it will quickly make you feel hungry again. Calories available in the first plate of rice can reach 250 calories.

Actually eating rice does not make fat when consumed in reasonable amounts. Unfortunately in Indonesia, if not satisfied, the public tends to increase the amount of rice, instead of the number of side dishes. Excessive carbohydrate intake will be converted by the body into the food reserves in the form of body fat. This is what makes us fat. Not to mention the habit of Indonesian people who often make eating carbohydrate side dishes that will be mixed again with rice. For example ate noodles with rice, potatoes with rice or corn with rice. This is what will make you gain weight.

Without rice diet can help us lose weight because it keeps the body in a state of lack of carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrates are the main source of nutrients that will be converted by the body into energy to move. When we reduce carbohydrate intake, the body will look for other nutritional ingredients to be converted into energy one of which is fat. It is this principle that we can use in a diet program without rice, namely that the body takes the energy source of the body fat that can it broke. Even so, do not cut out carbohydrates altogether in our lives.

lose weight

Diet without rice for a month you can lose weight by 2 kg per month. This figure could even be higher if a diet program without rice is done with a regular exercise schedule. But for the long-term benefit, do this diet for life. In other words, change your lifestyle. Perhaps in the future you do not need to completely eliminate rice from your diet but subtract the portion you eat rice so that the weight remains on the ideal number. See also How To Overcome Dandruff with Lime

Source : pola makan diet sehat

Facial treatments when skin facial acne

When acne prone skin, which usually happens is you become less percayas themselves while doing the activity, especially if you have an agenda to gather together with friends at the weekend. It was certainly annoying, yes. You so I can look up with makeup because they have facial acne treatment. Learn how to choose cosmetic products.

acne free beautiful woman

Eits, do not worry yet, Girls. When should you use a cosmetic product. Though your face is acne, it does not mean you can not look beautiful by using makeup. Instead, you should consider is how to choose beauty products that are safe to use for owners of acne prone skin. Anything? Here it tips!


This is one kind of beauty products are not to be forgotten, and the moisturizer you use must also be tailored to your skin type, you know. For you the owner of facial acne, choose a moisturizer that is labeled non-comedogenic to prevent clogged pores and oil-free, so that oil production in the face is not an overstatement. Thus read our tips on how to treat the face for oily skin types

Also, make sure your moisturizer contains Salicylic Acid to help treat skin breakouts like CLEAN & CLEAR Oil Control Moisturizer. Not only treat acne, CLEAN & CLEAR Oil Control Moisturizer can also make the skin feeling clean and soft. Conversely, avoid products that contain cocoa butter or mineral oil because it can make the face more oily and trigger acne new.


While doing facial acne treatment, you have to be really careful in choosing makeup, yes. Avoid choosing products based on its brand alone. In fact, the material contained in it is more important to note, you know. When will choose makeup, make sure the product contains water, because the content of these tend to be milder on the skin so it does not feel greasy or oily.

In addition, materials such as silica, titanium dioxide, and zinc oxide are also safe to use because it absorbs oil and can camouflage the redness of acne without making it worse. Again, make sure all kinds of makeup you use labeled non-comedogenic (or non-acnegenic), hypoallergenic, non-irritating, and free of oil, yes.


As people who live in the tropics, this one thing not to miss to enter in your bag. Yes, it's sunblock. Exposure to UVA and UVB rays from the sun, can create risk of wrinkles on the face and even skin cancer. Skin so that your face is maintained of these risks, you should use a sunblock with an SPF of at least 30.

According to dermatologist James M. Spencer, MD as written in Webmd.com, high and low SPF contained in sunblock, no differences were too significant to protect the skin from UVB. SPF 15 protects the skin from UVB by 94%, 97% SPF 30 and SPF 45 by 98%. However, the higher the SPF is usually recommended by a dermatologist is equal to 30. We recommend using bleach cream face of prescription from a dermatologist.

Well, for you are the owner of facial acne, you should select a sunscreen that is water-based and contain zinc oxide or titanium dioxide that is safe for the treatment of facial acne and oily. Conversely, avoid products containing benzophenone because it can cause irritation to sensitive skin.

After choosing the right product, do not forget to always carry CLEAN & CLEAR Oil Control Film as one way to eliminate excess oil on the face and helps eliminate annoying sheen. You certainly do not want dong, if you look so disturbed because of oil on the face.

Well, after knowing tips on choosing makeup to facial acne, now you do not need to worry about using beauty products that are safe for your skin condition. If you are still not sure about security, do not hesitate to consult a dermatologist about treatment of facial acne, yes.

You are bothered by acne on the face, please read the complete instructions "how to get rid of acne" safely.

For make beauty and subtlety of facial skin, then you can use a piece of fresh fruit as a mask skin whitening naturally

If you have plenty of time to relax, try to learn how to make a face whitening cream with own natural, so free from harmful ingredients. Besides being more secure also be able to provide satisfactory results, although it takes longer.

source : cara menghilangkan jerawat

How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally With Exercise

In addition to food, how to lower cholesterol naturally is by exercising. Regular exercise can help lower cholesterol. Physical activity in sport helps increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL), which is the kind of good cholesterol in the body.

No need to start with strenuous exercise. A simple exercise you can do as a quick way to lower cholesterol naturally include: walking, cycling, running and swimming. Choose a form of exercise is appropriate and suitable for you.

woman riding a bike

If you do not exercise regularly, it is important to start slowly. Be sure to consult with your doctor, so that it can evaluate the body condition and health of your heart. Perform medical tests after exercise to see how you react to the heart and liver during exercise.

Of course, exercise alone will not guarantee cholesterol levels will go down. Genetics, weight, age, gender, and diet all contribute to a person's cholesterol levels. But exercise has many other benefits in addition to lowering cholesterol. Exercise has been shown to maintain strong bones, reducing the risk of cancer, diabetes, stroke disease, and obesity, as well as improve mood.
exercise to lower cholesterol

Mild exercise such as cycling, able to balance your cholesterol levels. Exactly how many servings of exercise needed as a way to lower cholesterol is a debate. However, WHO recommends, at a minimum, 30 minutes per day, with moderate to heavy exercise, such as walking, jogging, cycling, or simply concern themselves with gardening.

In addition to the above quick way to lower cholesterol, do not forget to always keep your lifestyle. Do not forget the sports activities. Sports for a few minutes three times a week is better than no exercise at all. Do not eat too much fast food. Sometimes it does not matter as long as there is a limit corresponding levels. Source : cara menurunkan kolesterol tinggi

This is the natural way of treatment of stroke

Stroke is a disease characterized by disturbances in the system of the brain that is partly because the blood flow to the brain having problems. The cause of stroke caused by two things, which is due to blockage of the blood vessels, and cause both are due to a ruptured blood vessel.

treatment of stroke

When the blood supply that carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain is cut off, then the brain cells start to die. Therefore the sooner patients are handled and damages tend to be smaller and even death could have been avoided. If you feel a stroke or see other people have a stroke, immediately call the hospital to ask for an ambulance.

To be able to treat a person with stroke takes patience, time and cost. If you still give chemical medicine now turn to traditional herbal medicine, because herbal remedies do not have side effects despite the prolonged consumption. if there is a drug of specialists can be combined with traditional herbal medicine but with pause at least 2 hours. so when it is already taking medication from a doctor waiting up to 2 hours and then can take herbal medicine. Read to Tips for preventing stroke

In the process of treatment of stroke naturally required quality drugs to aid and accelerate healing from within. with herbs certainly highly recommended because there are no side effects despite the prolonged consumption. Today quite a lot of traditional herbal medicinal drugs to treat stroke that has been proven effective and can be used as a drug stroke. You can get one at the "online shop"

Some of the symptoms of stroke such as:

  • How to talk to patients is not clear or garbled, and even some patients who can not speak at all while they are awake

  • Eyes and mouth on one side of the patient's face looks down

  • The patient's arm is paralyzed when a stroke, therefore they are not able to lift one or both arms

What is the main cause of stroke disease

In general, there are two factors which are the cause of stroke is a medical risk and risk behavior

Medical risk factors

Medical risk factors that cause or exacerbate stroke are hypertension (high blood pressure), cholesterol, arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), heart problems, diabetes, history of stroke in the family (heredity) and migraine (sore kepelah door). According to statistics 80% of the trigger stroke is hypertension and arteriosclerosis.

Behavioral risk factors

Behavioral risk factors caused by the lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits such as smoking, consuming soft drinks and alcoholic fond of consuming fast food (fast food and junk food). Other behavioral risk factors is the lack of motion activity / exercise and obesity. One of the triggers is also an uncomfortable mood as often angry for no apparent reason.

Source : penyebab penyakit asam urat

Tips for preventing stroke

Preventing stroke. Suffer from stroke becomes a very frightening specter for anyone. But that does not mean there is no way to treat a stroke. But no matter how well-run therapy, should also pay attention to food taboos for stroke patients. This is to speed up the healing process and reduce the risk of disease becomes more severe.

preventing stroke

In addition to the use of herbal medicine powerful stroke and qualified, food taboos factor for stroke patients is something that is obligatory and can not be negotiable. In order for the patient's health condition is getting today showed positive signs. As we know stroke is a disease that is very frightening as well as heart disease and cancer.

Broadly speaking, the third this disease mostly occurs due to lifestyle factors that are not healthy. This lifestyle includes the consumption of unhealthy foods, bad habits such as smoking, are also less physical activities such as exercise daily. Actually there are many factors that can lead to a person suffering from a stroke. But this time we will discuss thoroughly about dietary factors that should be avoided by patients with stroke.

A stroke patient dietary restrictions?

  • Foods that contain cholesterol and saturated fat, such as butter, cheese and coconut oil. Cholesterol and saturated fats are also derived from animal products, including meat and dairy.
  • Limit the use of salt in your cooking. This is because the salt makes the body hold a lot of water, which will increase your blood pressure. As we know high blood pressure is very risky cause the arrival of a stroke. You should limit salt intake below 1,500 milligrams per day.
  • Dietary restrictions for patients following stroke is any kind of food containing trans fat such as: crackers, chips, margarine, butter, ice cream, biscuits, popcorn and any baked goods and fried.
  • Foods that contain chemical preservatives such as sodium nitrate and nitrite are often found in smoked meats and canned food. Because these foods shown to damage your blood vessels, which can increase the risk of stroke.
  • Food and soft drinks, according to research presented at the American Stroke Association International Conference may increase the risk of stroke by 48 percent.
  • Foods that contain high levels of sugar, because sugar can cause obesity where obesity can lead to blockage of blood vessels as a major cause of stroke.
  • Alcohol is also a taboo Stroke sufferers, because alcohol can affect blood pressure.

In addition to following all kinds of food taboos on top, of course, you also have to change bad habits such as smoking and lazy to exercise. In addition there are many outside factors that can increase the risk of stroke disease, one of which is a free radical. We may not be able to control the factors of this one, because free radicals can come from air pollution and any kind of food that has been contaminated with chemicals.

Though the food we eat everything already containing chemical substances, since the production process of foodstuffs to the marketing process. This is the cause we can not avoid exposure to free radicals. The solution is to consume antioxidants to fight free radicals.

When the healthy lifestyle you have applied in your everyday life, coupled with eating quality health products, undoubtedly you've done the right thing in repelling stroke.

But there is still one thing that is not less important, namely the factor of mind. To fight this disease also takes positive thinking and the belief in healing, and minimize stress by doing fun activities of the body and mind. Finally do not forget to pray to the Creator for healing that you aspire. cara pengobatan penyakit stroke