The symptoms of dengue fever will generally look at three to fourteen days after the incubation period and usually begins with a high fever that can reach a temperature of 41 degrees celsius. The incubation period is the time between the virus first enters the body until the first symptoms appear.
But in certain situations, the symptoms may worsen and life threatening due to leakage of blood vessels and decreased platelet count. This situation carries the risk of bleeding, disorders of the lungs, kidneys, and heart and severe pain in the abdomen.
Dengue fever is caused by the bite of Aedes aegypti containing dengue virus. At the time of aedes aegypti bite of dengue virus will get into the body, after an incubation period of about 3-15 days the patient may experience high fever 3 of days row. Many people develop a potentially fatal condition because it considers mild symptoms. For that we must always be aware of the mosquitoes that spread the dengue virus. The characteristic features of mosquitoes causing dengue fever such as:
- Body mosquito black and white streaks on the entire body (camouflage).
- This mosquito can breed in water reservoirs (TPA) and the goods that allow for such a bathtub filled with water, jars, drums, flower vases, used goods, etc.
- Aides aegypti Mosquitoes can not breed in rivers or drains or pools where the water is directly related to land.
- The dengue virus spreaders Mosquitoes usually bite humans in the morning and afternoon.
- This mosquito including the type of mosquito that can fly up to 100 meters.
Symptoms of dengue fever this was not unexpected, but usually patients have
characteristics such as high fever, dizziness, even to vomit blood. There are some other symptoms that can tell you that these symptoms are signs of someone with dengue fever. Gejala awal penyakit demam berdarah
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