Everyone, especially women, must crave a white and bright face. Therefore, most then decide to use makeup to make the face look brighter. Though many ingredients around us can be used as natural face masks that can whiten and brighten.
It is well known that most of the effects of makeup on the skin are often negative. Besides containing chemicals that can cause allergies, some products can also clog pores so that it makes it hard to breathe skin. And not only that, too often using makeup can make an old appearance quickly, especially if one day we appear without polish.
For this reason, in order to care for skin health, you should use a face mask from natural ingredients instead of makeup. Even if necessary, use makeup only in small portions. Meanwhile, for daily skin care, it is better to use natural ingredients such as strawberry masks, eggs and other healthy ingredients as described below. Cara memutihkan wajah secara alami dengan jeruk nipis, air beras, dan madu alami
Strawberry Mask
This fruit is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C which will provide nutritious nutrition for the skin. Vitamin C will brighten facial skin, whiten, and reduce wrinkles and age-related skin problems.
The basic ingredients needed to make this natural face mask are 6-10 strawberries. You can also add 1 teaspoon of honey. For the strawberries, choose in the form of fresh fruit instead of frozen, canned, or which has been crushed into pulp.
How to make it easy, you just have to crush or blender the fresh strawberries along with honey to create a mixture like porridge.
After that, apply the strawberry-honey porridge to the face and neck as well, leave it for about 20 minutes. Rinse face with warm water to open pores, followed by cold water to close it. Facial treatments when skin facial acne
Aloe Vera Mask
Not many people know that aloe vera contains aloesin which can whiten facial skin. This substance whitens the skin by inhibiting the formation of melanin, a substance that causes the skin to darken.
1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel
2 tablespoons milk cream
A pinch of turmeric
How to make a natural face mask from aloe vera:
Mix all the ingredients so that they form a dough with a thick paste texture.
Apply the mask evenly to the face and neck area.
Leave on for 20 - 30 minutes, then rinse your face thoroughly using warm water.
Also read the following review of aloe vera: Benefits of Aloe Vera that is Proven Scientifically
Tomato Masks
This vegetable fruit is quite famous for beauty. The notion that tomatoes can brighten facial skin is indeed true. Yes, Lycopene is an antioxidant compound that is contained in many tomatoes. This substance is able to ward off free radicals, protect skin from the adverse effects of sunlight, and nourish the skin so it looks radiant.
To make a natural face mask from tomatoes, prepare the following ingredients:
2 teaspoons of tomato water
3 teaspoons buttermilk
Cotton ball
How to make a mask:
Cut and squeeze the tomatoes so that the water comes out.
Add buttermilk to 2 tablespoons of tomato water, then stir until smooth.
Apply the mask to the face and neck using cotton ball.
Rinse thoroughly after 30 minutes have passed.
Honey and Milk Masks
Honey can be used as a natural moisturizer while brightening the face and removing dead skin cells. This natural material can also act as an antibiotic so as to minimize acne and adverse skin reactions caused by bacteria.
While milk, rich in vitamin D and B6, both can increase collagen production so that it disguises wrinkles on the face and is able to treat and keep facial skin fresh and healthy. Milk is also one of the well-known natural ingredients for whitening skin.
Now to make a natural face mask from honey and milk, you can simply provide:
2 teaspoons of milk
2 teaspoons of honey
Cotton ball
How to make:
Warm the milk, then mix with honey until smooth.
Apply the mask to the face and neck using a cotton ball, do it while it's still warm.
Let the milk and honey soak in the skin for at least 10-20 minutes.
After that, rinse with warm water, followed by cold water.
Also read the following reviews of honey: Original Honey Features, Test in the following way.
Egg White Mask
Eggs have a lot of protein, besides being very good for nourishing the body, nutrition for eggs is also good for healthy skin. Sticky effect on egg whites will work to tighten and remove oils on the skin. Thus the skin looks fresher and brighter thereafter.
To make a natural face mask from egg whites, you need:
1 egg.
5-6 drops of almond oil.
How to make a mask:
Take the egg whites, beat until foamy, then add almond oil. Stir until evenly mixed.
Apply the mask to the face and neck until blended.
Leave it for 12-15 minutes, and you should be able to immediately see the difference.
Rinse face with warm water and cold water
source : Cara membuat masker wajah alami lidah buaya
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Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2019
Jumat, 17 Agustus 2018
Learn to know the type face of skin
Including skin type whether your skin. Getting to know your skin type is very important, especially women. At least you know for sure your own skin type. By
knowing the type of skin, then you will be able to determine and
ascertain the type or types of cosmetics that are suitable for your
skin. Why recognize skin type is very important!
The bulk of equipment cosmetic or beauty treatment tool tools designed for specific skin types, so should every skin type should only use the equipment cosmetic according to skin type. Otherwise, the use of cosmetics will not work well, even it can cause new problems, such as acne or the possibility of facial skin will feel like a burn.
To avoid confusion the use of cosmetic equipment, then you should learn to recognize your own skin type. This article aims to help detect the type of your skin, so that later can help you determine the type or brand of certain cosmetics that best suits your skin type.In general types of human skin consists of several types or criteria, such as: the type of normal skin, dry skin, oily skin, combination skin and sensitive skin types. Here's the explanation:
Normal skin types: Among the various types of skin, then the normal skin type is the most perfect skin types. Blessed are those who have normal skin types. Read more the type face of skin.
Signs of normal skin types:
Signs of dry skin:
Skin type: Combination skin occurs due to the appearance of two types of skin in one area. Facial area often targeted combination skin. So that in one area dressed dry skin and other areas of oily skin. Oily skin on the face occurred in the area of t-zone (nose, forehead, chin), while on the cheeks and around the eyes tend to dry the skin dressed.
Sensitive skin types: Actually there is no sensitive skin types, but many found they have sensitive skin types. Sensitive skin actually occur due to several causes from outside the body that arises due to your own mistakes resulting in allergies and irritation.
Signs of sensitive skin types:
source : jenis kulit wajah
The bulk of equipment cosmetic or beauty treatment tool tools designed for specific skin types, so should every skin type should only use the equipment cosmetic according to skin type. Otherwise, the use of cosmetics will not work well, even it can cause new problems, such as acne or the possibility of facial skin will feel like a burn.
To avoid confusion the use of cosmetic equipment, then you should learn to recognize your own skin type. This article aims to help detect the type of your skin, so that later can help you determine the type or brand of certain cosmetics that best suits your skin type.In general types of human skin consists of several types or criteria, such as: the type of normal skin, dry skin, oily skin, combination skin and sensitive skin types. Here's the explanation:
Normal skin types: Among the various types of skin, then the normal skin type is the most perfect skin types. Blessed are those who have normal skin types. Read more the type face of skin.
Signs of normal skin types:
- Skin look smooth and slightly shiny.
- Pore pore is hardly noticeable.
- Does not contain a lot of oil.
- Scales (if in no imprint scratching white lines).
- Having a balance between: the production of sebum, moisture content, keratinisation and desquamation are balanced.
- More common in young age.
Signs of dry skin:
- Very soft skin pores that inhibit the release of body oils, resulting in the surface of the skin becomes stiff and rough.
- Surface skin elasticity power shortage.
- Tends to be rigid and scaly broken even broken.
- The surface of the skin looks dull and does not shine.
- Dry skin can be caused by several factors, so even though your skin is normal, at a time can turn into dry. Here are some causes of dry skin:
- Genetics / heredity.
- Due to aging (aging) causing hormonal changes.
- As a result of the use of ingredients of cosmetic / like: soaps, cleaning agents, cosmetics, and others.
- Exposure to direct sunlight (ultraviolet rays of the sun is very dangerous because it can burn your skin's outer layer).
- Production of sebum (body oil) is greatly reduced.
- Skin look sticky and dirty because sebum production is abundant.
- Skin pores appear larger.
- Display looks dull and thick skin.
Skin type: Combination skin occurs due to the appearance of two types of skin in one area. Facial area often targeted combination skin. So that in one area dressed dry skin and other areas of oily skin. Oily skin on the face occurred in the area of t-zone (nose, forehead, chin), while on the cheeks and around the eyes tend to dry the skin dressed.
Sensitive skin types: Actually there is no sensitive skin types, but many found they have sensitive skin types. Sensitive skin actually occur due to several causes from outside the body that arises due to your own mistakes resulting in allergies and irritation.
Signs of sensitive skin types:
- Skin redness
- Itching arise.
- Skin like a hot fire.
- Dryness of the skin occurs.
source : jenis kulit wajah
Facial treatments when skin facial acne
When acne prone skin, which usually happens is you become less percayas themselves while doing the activity, especially if you have an agenda to gather together with friends at the weekend. It was certainly annoying, yes. You so I can look up with makeup because they have facial acne treatment. Learn how to choose cosmetic products.
Eits, do not worry yet, Girls. When should you use a cosmetic product. Though your face is acne, it does not mean you can not look beautiful by using makeup. Instead, you should consider is how to choose beauty products that are safe to use for owners of acne prone skin. Anything? Here it tips!
This is one kind of beauty products are not to be forgotten, and the moisturizer you use must also be tailored to your skin type, you know. For you the owner of facial acne, choose a moisturizer that is labeled non-comedogenic to prevent clogged pores and oil-free, so that oil production in the face is not an overstatement. Thus read our tips on how to treat the face for oily skin types
Also, make sure your moisturizer contains Salicylic Acid to help treat skin breakouts like CLEAN & CLEAR Oil Control Moisturizer. Not only treat acne, CLEAN & CLEAR Oil Control Moisturizer can also make the skin feeling clean and soft. Conversely, avoid products that contain cocoa butter or mineral oil because it can make the face more oily and trigger acne new.
While doing facial acne treatment, you have to be really careful in choosing makeup, yes. Avoid choosing products based on its brand alone. In fact, the material contained in it is more important to note, you know. When will choose makeup, make sure the product contains water, because the content of these tend to be milder on the skin so it does not feel greasy or oily.
In addition, materials such as silica, titanium dioxide, and zinc oxide are also safe to use because it absorbs oil and can camouflage the redness of acne without making it worse. Again, make sure all kinds of makeup you use labeled non-comedogenic (or non-acnegenic), hypoallergenic, non-irritating, and free of oil, yes.
As people who live in the tropics, this one thing not to miss to enter in your bag. Yes, it's sunblock. Exposure to UVA and UVB rays from the sun, can create risk of wrinkles on the face and even skin cancer. Skin so that your face is maintained of these risks, you should use a sunblock with an SPF of at least 30.
According to dermatologist James M. Spencer, MD as written in Webmd.com, high and low SPF contained in sunblock, no differences were too significant to protect the skin from UVB. SPF 15 protects the skin from UVB by 94%, 97% SPF 30 and SPF 45 by 98%. However, the higher the SPF is usually recommended by a dermatologist is equal to 30. We recommend using bleach cream face of prescription from a dermatologist.
Well, for you are the owner of facial acne, you should select a sunscreen that is water-based and contain zinc oxide or titanium dioxide that is safe for the treatment of facial acne and oily. Conversely, avoid products containing benzophenone because it can cause irritation to sensitive skin.
After choosing the right product, do not forget to always carry CLEAN & CLEAR Oil Control Film as one way to eliminate excess oil on the face and helps eliminate annoying sheen. You certainly do not want dong, if you look so disturbed because of oil on the face.
Well, after knowing tips on choosing makeup to facial acne, now you do not need to worry about using beauty products that are safe for your skin condition. If you are still not sure about security, do not hesitate to consult a dermatologist about treatment of facial acne, yes.
You are bothered by acne on the face, please read the complete instructions "how to get rid of acne" safely.
For make beauty and subtlety of facial skin, then you can use a piece of fresh fruit as a mask skin whitening naturally
If you have plenty of time to relax, try to learn how to make a face whitening cream with own natural, so free from harmful ingredients. Besides being more secure also be able to provide satisfactory results, although it takes longer.
source : cara menghilangkan jerawat
Eits, do not worry yet, Girls. When should you use a cosmetic product. Though your face is acne, it does not mean you can not look beautiful by using makeup. Instead, you should consider is how to choose beauty products that are safe to use for owners of acne prone skin. Anything? Here it tips!
This is one kind of beauty products are not to be forgotten, and the moisturizer you use must also be tailored to your skin type, you know. For you the owner of facial acne, choose a moisturizer that is labeled non-comedogenic to prevent clogged pores and oil-free, so that oil production in the face is not an overstatement. Thus read our tips on how to treat the face for oily skin types
Also, make sure your moisturizer contains Salicylic Acid to help treat skin breakouts like CLEAN & CLEAR Oil Control Moisturizer. Not only treat acne, CLEAN & CLEAR Oil Control Moisturizer can also make the skin feeling clean and soft. Conversely, avoid products that contain cocoa butter or mineral oil because it can make the face more oily and trigger acne new.
While doing facial acne treatment, you have to be really careful in choosing makeup, yes. Avoid choosing products based on its brand alone. In fact, the material contained in it is more important to note, you know. When will choose makeup, make sure the product contains water, because the content of these tend to be milder on the skin so it does not feel greasy or oily.
In addition, materials such as silica, titanium dioxide, and zinc oxide are also safe to use because it absorbs oil and can camouflage the redness of acne without making it worse. Again, make sure all kinds of makeup you use labeled non-comedogenic (or non-acnegenic), hypoallergenic, non-irritating, and free of oil, yes.
As people who live in the tropics, this one thing not to miss to enter in your bag. Yes, it's sunblock. Exposure to UVA and UVB rays from the sun, can create risk of wrinkles on the face and even skin cancer. Skin so that your face is maintained of these risks, you should use a sunblock with an SPF of at least 30.
According to dermatologist James M. Spencer, MD as written in Webmd.com, high and low SPF contained in sunblock, no differences were too significant to protect the skin from UVB. SPF 15 protects the skin from UVB by 94%, 97% SPF 30 and SPF 45 by 98%. However, the higher the SPF is usually recommended by a dermatologist is equal to 30. We recommend using bleach cream face of prescription from a dermatologist.
Well, for you are the owner of facial acne, you should select a sunscreen that is water-based and contain zinc oxide or titanium dioxide that is safe for the treatment of facial acne and oily. Conversely, avoid products containing benzophenone because it can cause irritation to sensitive skin.
After choosing the right product, do not forget to always carry CLEAN & CLEAR Oil Control Film as one way to eliminate excess oil on the face and helps eliminate annoying sheen. You certainly do not want dong, if you look so disturbed because of oil on the face.
Well, after knowing tips on choosing makeup to facial acne, now you do not need to worry about using beauty products that are safe for your skin condition. If you are still not sure about security, do not hesitate to consult a dermatologist about treatment of facial acne, yes.
You are bothered by acne on the face, please read the complete instructions "how to get rid of acne" safely.
For make beauty and subtlety of facial skin, then you can use a piece of fresh fruit as a mask skin whitening naturally
If you have plenty of time to relax, try to learn how to make a face whitening cream with own natural, so free from harmful ingredients. Besides being more secure also be able to provide satisfactory results, although it takes longer.
source : cara menghilangkan jerawat
This is the natural way of treatment of stroke
Stroke is a disease characterized by disturbances in the system of the brain that is partly because the blood flow to the brain having problems. The cause of stroke caused by two things, which is due to blockage of the blood vessels, and cause both are due to a ruptured blood vessel.
When the blood supply that carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain is cut off, then the brain cells start to die. Therefore the sooner patients are handled and damages tend to be smaller and even death could have been avoided. If you feel a stroke or see other people have a stroke, immediately call the hospital to ask for an ambulance.
To be able to treat a person with stroke takes patience, time and cost. If you still give chemical medicine now turn to traditional herbal medicine, because herbal remedies do not have side effects despite the prolonged consumption. if there is a drug of specialists can be combined with traditional herbal medicine but with pause at least 2 hours. so when it is already taking medication from a doctor waiting up to 2 hours and then can take herbal medicine. Read to Tips for preventing stroke
In the process of treatment of stroke naturally required quality drugs to aid and accelerate healing from within. with herbs certainly highly recommended because there are no side effects despite the prolonged consumption. Today quite a lot of traditional herbal medicinal drugs to treat stroke that has been proven effective and can be used as a drug stroke. You can get one at the "online shop"
Some of the symptoms of stroke such as:
What is the main cause of stroke disease
In general, there are two factors which are the cause of stroke is a medical risk and risk behavior
Medical risk factors
Medical risk factors that cause or exacerbate stroke are hypertension (high blood pressure), cholesterol, arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), heart problems, diabetes, history of stroke in the family (heredity) and migraine (sore kepelah door). According to statistics 80% of the trigger stroke is hypertension and arteriosclerosis.
Behavioral risk factors
Behavioral risk factors caused by the lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits such as smoking, consuming soft drinks and alcoholic fond of consuming fast food (fast food and junk food). Other behavioral risk factors is the lack of motion activity / exercise and obesity. One of the triggers is also an uncomfortable mood as often angry for no apparent reason.
Source : penyebab penyakit asam urat
When the blood supply that carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain is cut off, then the brain cells start to die. Therefore the sooner patients are handled and damages tend to be smaller and even death could have been avoided. If you feel a stroke or see other people have a stroke, immediately call the hospital to ask for an ambulance.
To be able to treat a person with stroke takes patience, time and cost. If you still give chemical medicine now turn to traditional herbal medicine, because herbal remedies do not have side effects despite the prolonged consumption. if there is a drug of specialists can be combined with traditional herbal medicine but with pause at least 2 hours. so when it is already taking medication from a doctor waiting up to 2 hours and then can take herbal medicine. Read to Tips for preventing stroke
In the process of treatment of stroke naturally required quality drugs to aid and accelerate healing from within. with herbs certainly highly recommended because there are no side effects despite the prolonged consumption. Today quite a lot of traditional herbal medicinal drugs to treat stroke that has been proven effective and can be used as a drug stroke. You can get one at the "online shop"
Some of the symptoms of stroke such as:
- How to talk to patients is not clear or garbled, and even some patients who can not speak at all while they are awake
- Eyes and mouth on one side of the patient's face looks down
- The patient's arm is paralyzed when a stroke, therefore they are not able to lift one or both arms
What is the main cause of stroke disease
In general, there are two factors which are the cause of stroke is a medical risk and risk behavior
Medical risk factors
Medical risk factors that cause or exacerbate stroke are hypertension (high blood pressure), cholesterol, arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), heart problems, diabetes, history of stroke in the family (heredity) and migraine (sore kepelah door). According to statistics 80% of the trigger stroke is hypertension and arteriosclerosis.
Behavioral risk factors
Behavioral risk factors caused by the lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits such as smoking, consuming soft drinks and alcoholic fond of consuming fast food (fast food and junk food). Other behavioral risk factors is the lack of motion activity / exercise and obesity. One of the triggers is also an uncomfortable mood as often angry for no apparent reason.
Source : penyebab penyakit asam urat
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