Everyone, especially women, must crave a white and bright face. Therefore, most then decide to use makeup to make the face look brighter. Though many ingredients around us can be used as natural face masks that can whiten and brighten.
It is well known that most of the effects of makeup on the skin are often negative. Besides containing chemicals that can cause allergies, some products can also clog pores so that it makes it hard to breathe skin. And not only that, too often using makeup can make an old appearance quickly, especially if one day we appear without polish.
For this reason, in order to care for skin health, you should use a face mask from natural ingredients instead of makeup. Even if necessary, use makeup only in small portions. Meanwhile, for daily skin care, it is better to use natural ingredients such as strawberry masks, eggs and other healthy ingredients as described below. Cara memutihkan wajah secara alami dengan jeruk nipis, air beras, dan madu alami
Strawberry Mask
This fruit is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C which will provide nutritious nutrition for the skin. Vitamin C will brighten facial skin, whiten, and reduce wrinkles and age-related skin problems.
The basic ingredients needed to make this natural face mask are 6-10 strawberries. You can also add 1 teaspoon of honey. For the strawberries, choose in the form of fresh fruit instead of frozen, canned, or which has been crushed into pulp.
How to make it easy, you just have to crush or blender the fresh strawberries along with honey to create a mixture like porridge.
After that, apply the strawberry-honey porridge to the face and neck as well, leave it for about 20 minutes. Rinse face with warm water to open pores, followed by cold water to close it. Facial treatments when skin facial acne
Aloe Vera Mask
Not many people know that aloe vera contains aloesin which can whiten facial skin. This substance whitens the skin by inhibiting the formation of melanin, a substance that causes the skin to darken.
1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel
2 tablespoons milk cream
A pinch of turmeric
How to make a natural face mask from aloe vera:
Mix all the ingredients so that they form a dough with a thick paste texture.
Apply the mask evenly to the face and neck area.
Leave on for 20 - 30 minutes, then rinse your face thoroughly using warm water.
Also read the following review of aloe vera: Benefits of Aloe Vera that is Proven Scientifically
Tomato Masks
This vegetable fruit is quite famous for beauty. The notion that tomatoes can brighten facial skin is indeed true. Yes, Lycopene is an antioxidant compound that is contained in many tomatoes. This substance is able to ward off free radicals, protect skin from the adverse effects of sunlight, and nourish the skin so it looks radiant.
To make a natural face mask from tomatoes, prepare the following ingredients:
2 teaspoons of tomato water
3 teaspoons buttermilk
Cotton ball
How to make a mask:
Cut and squeeze the tomatoes so that the water comes out.
Add buttermilk to 2 tablespoons of tomato water, then stir until smooth.
Apply the mask to the face and neck using cotton ball.
Rinse thoroughly after 30 minutes have passed.
Honey and Milk Masks
Honey can be used as a natural moisturizer while brightening the face and removing dead skin cells. This natural material can also act as an antibiotic so as to minimize acne and adverse skin reactions caused by bacteria.
While milk, rich in vitamin D and B6, both can increase collagen production so that it disguises wrinkles on the face and is able to treat and keep facial skin fresh and healthy. Milk is also one of the well-known natural ingredients for whitening skin.
Now to make a natural face mask from honey and milk, you can simply provide:
2 teaspoons of milk
2 teaspoons of honey
Cotton ball
How to make:
Warm the milk, then mix with honey until smooth.
Apply the mask to the face and neck using a cotton ball, do it while it's still warm.
Let the milk and honey soak in the skin for at least 10-20 minutes.
After that, rinse with warm water, followed by cold water.
Also read the following reviews of honey: Original Honey Features, Test in the following way.
Egg White Mask
Eggs have a lot of protein, besides being very good for nourishing the body, nutrition for eggs is also good for healthy skin. Sticky effect on egg whites will work to tighten and remove oils on the skin. Thus the skin looks fresher and brighter thereafter.
To make a natural face mask from egg whites, you need:
1 egg.
5-6 drops of almond oil.
How to make a mask:
Take the egg whites, beat until foamy, then add almond oil. Stir until evenly mixed.
Apply the mask to the face and neck until blended.
Leave it for 12-15 minutes, and you should be able to immediately see the difference.
Rinse face with warm water and cold water
source : Cara membuat masker wajah alami lidah buaya
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