Jumat, 17 Agustus 2018

Green coconut water as a neutralizing toxins

Benefits of green coconut water has been proven to neutralize a wide variety of toxins, it has been proved by personal experience. All contained in a useful palm trees, even green coconut juice has a high efficacy that can neutralize any kind of poison. Green coconut water as a natural neutralizing toxins.

Coconut tree is a tree species that live in the tropics. The palm tree has remarkable properties. Every inch of the coconut tree is useful for human life. Let's see all the benefits of coconut trees.

It is different from these trees is that the palm trees are not branched. The trunk grows extending to several tens of meters. From stems, leaves, fruit flesh, skin (shell), until the leaves can be used. But at this time the admin will only discuss the benefits and efficacy of coconut juice in particular types of green coconut. Green coconut just of one kind of plant coconuts. Admin convey that this is a personal experience.

On some days ago my wife happened to buy the side dishes and "pepesan jamur". While eating a fungus spiced actually has a strange taste that the fungus is very bitter. Because affection or how pepes remain edible mushrooms, but as it continues to feel bitter finally stopped.

After a few minutes my wife felt great headache is accompanied by numbness in the whole head. Numbness in the more severe the longer the head accompanied by spinning the view.

Seeing this is of course the whole house panicked and did not know what to do. After seeing all the events that occur after eating the complaint then be concluded that spiced mushrooms that taste bitter are possible causes. And thus the possibility of spiced mushroom is a fungus toxin that should not be eaten.

After making sure that the poisoning that causes the head to be immune (numbness) then sought a green coconut water. One family looking for a green coconut juice and managed to get a very cheap price.

Do not wait anymore wife then immediately drink green coconut water, and we are very grateful after a while it turns numbness (immune) on the head fade away. And after a few hours is recovered.

With these events, it can be concluded that the green coconut juice is very beneficial to neutralize the toxins. The treatment is very safe because they actually naturally. Treatment naturally will not have side effects such as modern medicine.Green coconut juice is also beneficial and very well taken by women who are pregnant, which is useful in order to Janis were in the womb is clean and healthy. Although this has not been proven scientifically but I have proved it.

Green coconut has a special characteristic feature which when the coco in red iris. The price is slightly more expensive than the ordinary coconut. So when you buy a green coconut husk taken should test with slices first.Thus admin family experience may be useful and helpful to our faithful readers.

The original manuscript : manfaat air kelapa hijau

Red dragon fruit and its benefits

Did you know that it turns red dragon fruit is able to increase endurance. This red dragon fruit flesh has the nutrients and vitamins so many benefits to those who drink it. Let us see what are the benefits that this red fruit for health.

Many do not know that the red-colored fruit whose skin is actually not coming from the area of ​​China, but from the American continent, exactly the fruit that is often referred to as dragon fruit native to Mexico, Central America and South America. But now the world has become a fruit, even some few years ago, the red dragon fruit has been successfully cultivated in the country of Indonesia and other Asian countries.

Today we recognize the two types of dragon fruit dragon fruit red and yellow dragon fruit. The taste of this fruit does a little bit sour. However, when made mix iced fruit drinks are very fresh. Because of the many health benefits of this that should be consumed regularly.

To further gain function and its benefits to health that can be made dragon fruit juice with a particular recipe. Dragon fruit is commonly on sale in the market or at roadside vendors too much. Select the color is dark red as a sign that the old dragon fruit, so tasty consumed.

Dragon fruit juice recipes is very simple and easy way to make it. Not a lot of material needed, but if you have some health benefits can add honey and milk. Thus while enjoying a refreshing addition to dragon fruit juice is healthy.

Well now let's see what are the benefits of dragon fruit meat for your health and your family. After knowing the expected mother and sis all can improve the health of the entire family.

The benefits of dragon fruit
  • Dragon fruit contains a lot of fiber is high enough so that it can help your digestion is often problematic, especially for those who often have difficulty defecating.
  • Fruit red color is also capable of lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, because many have the content of vitamin B3, and is therefore very well taken for patients with hypertension due to accumulation of cholesterol that can lead to heart disease caused by a blockage.
  • As more sour taste of fruit, dragon fruit also contains vitamin C which is useful for immunity.
  • Well for those who often limp less effort, try eating dragon fruit regularly, because it contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus.
  • Dragon fruit is also rich in antioxidants, so it is able to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
Such are some of the benefits of dragon fruit red and yellow dragon fruit is also equally beneficial. Try starting now to learn to live with a healthy way of life really is. Read also how to keep blood sugar levels with the sport. jus buah naga

Beware of Skin Lightening Containing Mercury

Have you seen the ads promising cosmetic products whites in a short time? You should be vigilant. Perhaps one of the active ingredients that are often used in such products is mercury have harmful effects on health.

Mercury can be found in soaps, whitening creams and cosmetic products as a preservative, especially for products mascara and eye makeup cleanser.

Mercury is very popular in the womb whitening products because of its ability to inhibit the formation of melanin so the skin looks brighter in a short time. Yet behind it, the mercury it is very dangerous and you should be aware of those products.

Which then need to be aware, most of the dangerous cosmetics sold in cosmetic shops unofficial, online, and through freelance sales force. Usually these products do not use the official label products, as well as instructions for use, and product information materials in foreign languages.

Mercury also disrupt various organs at risk, such as:

  • Brain
  • Heart
  • Kidney
  • Lungs
  • The immune system

Meanwhile, the symptoms of mercury poisoning, characterized by:

  • Insomnia
  • Headache
  • Cognitive function and decreased memory
  • experiencing tremors
  • Sensory impairment. Including the ability to see, hear, and speak.
  • Decreased ability to sense pera
  • Decreased function of the body coordination.
  • Kidney failure

Do not be mistaken mercury will only affect adults. Infants and children are the ones who are also not immune from the risk of exposure to mercury and its side effects.

When parents who use products made from mercury and child touch each other, it is possible that these substances can enter the body when a child sucking her finger. In particular, mercury poisoning in children is called infantile Acrodynia. Can be identified by the appearance of symptoms of pain and pink on the hands and feet.

Protect Yourself from Mercury Exposure

As a consumer, you need to be careful in the use of cosmetic products. Do not be tempted with instant results, but it is harmful to health. Here are some ways to choose a mercury-free cosmetic products.
  • Check the labels of skin lightening products, anti-aging, or other skin products you use. If it contains the word "mercury" or mercurous chloride, calomel, mercuric, or mercurio, then stop using it immediately.
  • Products with high mercury levels can usually be identified texture gray or beige.
  • Avoid using products with labels in a foreign language you can not understand.
  • Ask your questions about the possible content of mercury in cosmetic products to the doctor or medical professional.
  • If you are using products containing mercury, stop right then and there. Wash hands and body parts affected by the product. If necessary, consult a physician or medical expert on the matter.
Before disposing of products that contain mercury, put into a plastic bag or a place that does not leak.
Do not be easily tempted by the lure of cosmetic products that promise whites, remain cautious for the health and safety of you and your family. krim pemutih wajah

Vigilant attack dengue fever

Dengue fever caused by a virus that is transmitted through mosquito bites. It is estimated that there are one hundred million cases of dengue fever occur each year worldwide. Some of them endemic sudden and affects thousands of people in a short time.

dengue fever

The symptoms of dengue fever will generally look at three to fourteen days after the incubation period and usually begins with a high fever that can reach a temperature of 41 degrees celsius. The incubation period is the time between the virus first enters the body until the first symptoms appear.

But in certain situations, the symptoms may worsen and life threatening due to leakage of blood vessels and decreased platelet count. This situation carries the risk of bleeding, disorders of the lungs, kidneys, and heart and severe pain in the abdomen.

Dengue fever is caused by the bite of Aedes aegypti containing dengue virus. At the time of aedes aegypti bite of dengue virus will get into the body, after an incubation period of about 3-15 days the patient may experience high fever 3 of days row. Many people develop a potentially fatal condition because it considers mild symptoms. For that we must always be aware of the mosquitoes that spread the dengue virus. The characteristic features of mosquitoes causing dengue fever such as:

  1. Body mosquito black and white streaks on the entire body (camouflage).
  2. This mosquito can breed in water reservoirs (TPA) and the goods that allow for such a bathtub filled with water, jars, drums, flower vases, used goods, etc.
  3. Aides aegypti Mosquitoes can not breed in rivers or drains or pools where the water is directly related to land.
  4. The dengue virus spreaders Mosquitoes usually bite humans in the morning and afternoon.
  5. This mosquito including the type of mosquito that can fly up to 100 meters.
Symptoms of dengue fever this was not unexpected, but usually patients have characteristics such as high fever, dizziness, even to vomit blood. There are some other symptoms that can tell you that these symptoms are signs of someone with dengue fever. Gejala awal penyakit demam berdarah

How To Overcome Dandruff with Lime

Dandruff is synonymous with dirty hair and itchy, then how to remove dandruff. In fact many ways to get rid of dandruff, one of them with lemon juice which we will discuss today.
Lime juice has benefits for the health of the skin including the scalp. cara mencegah ketombe

rambut indah

Vitamin C contained in lime juice proved to be extremely effective for use eradicate stubborn dandruff on the scalp. Actually, natural way to eliminate dandruff with lemon is not new anymore because it has long been known usefulness.

How to easily get rid of dandruff. The trick is simple enough that just need to take one to two limes. Furthermore squeezed orange juice and water grab of lime.
The results of this in the lime juice apply to all parts of the scalp until blended. Do this on a regular basis at least 3 times a week. Afterwards we had to clean the hair that has been covered with the lime to clean.

Most cosmetic products found to contain mercury are cosmetics for whitening face. Most women are very proud of skin whitening products they use, because in a short time can change his skin to be white. When in fact the products they use are very dangerous for long-term use and can cause skin cancer, why is that?

Likewise, the how to care for the face also must be done regularly. Just so you know that skin care is more difficult than any other body part, Read to cara menghilangkan ketombe

How to care for the skin at night

Nighttime is the most important time to care for facial beauty. Although at night your skin is not threatened by the destructive effects of ultraviolet light, but it turns out when you sleep, the skin will regenerate. Skin cells are dead and damaged will be replaced with new ones. So that the process can run perfectly, you should keep the following things. Therefore refer 6 tips quoted from Momtastic follows. Read also how to whiten skin.

the skin at night

Clean makeup perfectly
So that your pores open and the skin can rest from chemicals in cosmetics, bedtime is always a time to clean the whole makeup on the face. Use cotton wool and cleanser so that all remaining lifted makeup perfect. After that, rinse your face or use a toner. Even if all day you do not wear makeup, be sure to keep clean the face, because the activity you are doing since morning causing germs and dirt on the skin surface. If not cleaned, one-one raised pimples. Learn how to choose makeup correctFacial treatments when skin facial acne

wear a moisturizer
When sleep is the skin still needs moisturizer. When you sleep, the skin pores open making it easier to absorb nutrients than during the morning and afternoon. You could use a night cream suitable for your skin type. Select the formula is mild and does not cause blackheads (non-comedogenic). Do a gentle massage when the application so that the blood circulation smoothly. See "how to whiten skin"

Allow time for impregnating
One great if you go straight to bed after applying a night cream. Once you lay your head on the pillow, the cream will be directly attached to the pillowcase. Spend at least 20 minutes so that the nutrients in the cream was absorbed by the skin.

Drinking water
Not only from the outside, moisture levels also need to be kept from within. For that drink a glass of water before bed. Water can help neutralize the salt and unhealthy ingredients in the food you eat, so the skin awake from dullness. Nothing wrong if you also add vitamin E.

Change pillowcases
You must be diligent to replace the pillow case, at least once a week. Why? Because the pillow you slept with every day is the ideal place for breeding bacteria. The rest of the makeup on the face seta oil and dirt in the air for days stuck there. If your face is clean stick in there, germs and bacteria will migrate to the skin.

quality sleep
Enough sleep and sleep is the main secret to keep skin in top condition. Make sure you sleep enough hours. Get used to sleep without them burning, because it can stimulate the hormones that your body to regenerate cells.

Well, that's 6 things you need to do at night before bed to keep skin captivating next day. Good luck. source : cara merawat kulit wajah

What are the main causes of gout

What are the main causes of gout. Gout disease usually begin suffered by those who are elderly, at least from the age of 40 years began to body vulnerable to various diseases, one of them is gout.

Thus you should begin to maintain and improve overall health. things need to be underlined is that the approaching dusk / dark, then usually begin to lazy to work or diminish any person's activity, particularly related to body work, so that the burning of the body decreases and uncontrolled. So that it starts to get used to the healthy lifestyle regular.

But on the other hand, especially the dietary intake is also uncontrolled, so consequently many toxic substances in the body are not wasted perfectly, and one of them is the culprit substance purine gout. When I was young and energetic, all the toxins of the body (metabolism) wasted perfectly, be it through urine, feces, or sweat out. After the age of growing old and getting lazy move, then surely the disposal of toxins the body is also getting a bit and as a result was to be expected that accumulate in the body.


Thus although the age is getting older and weaker power, it's good to keep doing the activity as usual. Although you are not going to the office, still can, you know do activities at home or find something else to do, so if the body is well preserved. As it is known that if the body is not just a sport, but also to ride a bike, the road to the market, tidy up the house, and others. In short our body is always moving. it is quite important to maintain a healthy your bodyHow you should consume foods

And on the other hand maintain food intake and remains in good control. Although age has begun to dusk, it does not mean should not eat this food, and it was, but you should adjust to your body burning. Do not get an income greater than expenses, so if that happens, the more buildup in the body. And it is very susceptible to disease.

Gout occurs due to the buildup of purines. Under normal circumstances the actual purine substances needed by the body. In the absence of purines, the body also loses all and sundry, purine is much needed in the body's metabolism. That is why the time is still in its infancy (the children) are advised to consume foods that contain high purine, such as: fish, red meat, spinach, and others.

Gout disease arises because of the damage purine substance. So now the question is what causes damage purine substances ?. As it is known that purine metabolism and is useful for everything to go through the kidneys, because there purine substances in our blood system. Learn the early symptoms of kidney failure.

If at any time kidney function is compromised, then the system automatically metabolism through the kidneys too distracted and include this purine substance. So consequently purine substances are not processed by the kidneys. In other words purine substances back to the blood system. Until eventually damage occurs purine substances and precipitates. As is usually the name suggests there is usually interrupted during deposition. Well if the body then Selah Selah this bone as a precipitate purines.

Deposition of purines in the long term will crystallize, which is why gout patients had complaints of pain in the joints where that is where the most likely precipitate a purine substance. So gout is a purine precipitate crystallized substance.

To reduce complaints of pain in patients with gout, of course, avoid ingredients that contain high purine foods, such as brain, liver, heart, kidney, offal, meat extracts, meat broth, duck meat, sardines, and shellfish. And should consume foods that contain low purine, such as: rice, yams, cassava, maize, bread, noodles, rice noodles, pastries, pudding, milk, eggs, cheese, and several kinds of vegetables.

However, of course, your food intake should be adjusted to your other illnesses. For example, if you're suffering from diabetes is certainly not advisable to consume white rice. Likewise with other diseases. Learn also how the treatment of gout.