Senin, 14 Oktober 2019

Easy Tips for Caring for Nails To Stay Naturally Beautiful

Having beautiful and healthy nails is what every woman wants. Therefore, many of them do not hesitate to take care in the salon to maintain nail beauty. Being a part of the body that is always visible makes the nails must always be kept healthy and clean. Healthy and clean nails will make you look more attractive and become its own plus points. Besides clean and healthy nails can also prevent you from various diseases. Here are 6 natural ways you can do to keep your nails healthy and beautifully manicured. cara perawatan kuku tangan

healthy nails

Spread nails with olive oil: Olive oil always appears when we discuss beauty issues, as well as caring for nail beauty. The content of olive oil helps strengthen the tissue in the nail so that it can maintain nail health. How to care is quite easy, namely by heating the olive oil then apply to the nail using a cuttonbath. Let stand for 15-20 minutes, after rinse using water until clean.

Soak in orange juice: If your nails start to look dull and no longer sparkling, there's no need to bother going to the salon to restore the sparkle. You can do simple maintenance at home. The treatment is by soaking the nails in orange juice. Prepare warm water in a container, then mix the lemon juice into it. Soak your nails for 15-20 minutes, then rinse using clean water to get rid of the stickiness from orange juice. How to Diet to lose weight

Rub the nails with starfruit: Vitamin C in starfruit can improve the natural moisture of the nails. In addition, starfruit can also remove dirt that adheres to the nail, so it can make the nails look sparkling clean. The way to use it is to gently rub the star fruit onto the tips of the nails so that the water can seep in and remove impurities from the nails. Furthermore, rub also evenly on the other nails, after finishing rinse with clean water.

Mucus from aloe: Mucus aloe can rehydrate dehydrated nails. In addition, aloe mucus can also accelerate wound healing on the edge of the nail you know! So if you cut your nails too deep to feel sore then all you have to do is apply aloe vera mucus. The wound can heal quickly, while caring for nails to stay healthy. How to use it the same as starfruit wuluh, namely by rubbing the aloe vera that has been cut on the nails and the surrounding area. Moisture and sparkle nails will return.

Garlic cloves: Although treatments using garlic cloves can make you feel uncomfortable with the smell, this treatment has many benefits and prevents the various nail problems that we often encounter you know! Nail care using garlic can keep your nails from getting brittle, cracked or broken. Garlic also protects your nails from nail fungus attacks that will damage the appearance of your nails. Treatment with garlic is done by rubbing slowly and evenly the garlic that has been split. Let stand and let the contents of garlic soak into the nails. Do this treatment when you have no plans to leave the house, because the smell of garlic can reduce the confidence for some people.

Caring for nails from the inside: After treating nails from the outside, the next step is to treat the nails from the inside. Namely by consuming foods or drinks that are good for nails. Among them is by consuming foods and drinks that contain lots of calcium, such as yogurt, milk, cheese, and others. Besides consuming vegetables that contain lots of iron and also vitamin A. Consuming fruits is also good for nails because it contains a variety of vitamins that are good for nails. Tips on how to choose the color of the powder

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